Business Growers

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The Power of Environment

At the Maui ActionCOACH Global Conference, I got to spend some time with many of my high-performing coach colleagues from around the world. I really missed that over the last few years during the COVID hiatus. The highlight of the trip was the Emerald “High Achiever’s Dinner” which only the top 3% of ActionCOACH Partners qualify for.

Create A Community

Most importantly, the conference provided an environment that gave me a much-needed boost.  The environment is an incredibly powerful thing. It has a massive influence on your mindset. As a business owner, you are special, because 96% of the world are employees or self-employed in some form or fashion. In short, if you spend most of your time in an employee environment, your mindset will be guided by the skills, beliefs, values, and identities of the employees around you.  As a result, your thoughts, actions, behaviors, and decisions can heavily shade to that of an employee.

How To Lead A Growing Business

To lead a growing business, which by the way is a lot different than being an employee within it, being around a group of ambitious and committed business owners can make a huge difference in your mindset and the actions, behaviors, and decisions that you make as a result.  I walked away from the conference with a huge charge from the environment with clarity and motivation to continue to grow and foster that environment for local business owners.  

What Does Your Environment Look Like?

Are you the highest achieving and most ambitious business owner in your environment?  As a business owner, if you are interested in leveling up your environment, we gather a group of ambitious and committed business owners monthly.  We discuss best practices, lessons learned, and mastermind on issues that they are facing in their business.  Would love to have you join us. I’m sure you will get the environmental boost like I just got. 


- Coach Reggie 

P.S.  Another powerful environmental opportunity is the Business Owner Playbook Briefing. We are glad to host you if you are ambitious and committed to growing your business. Learn More Here: