Business Growers

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Lazy Management = Poor Performance

That one hurt this week! Of course, when I take a hard look in the mirror I notice my team’s poor performance, I can’t help but see that I have been lazy at managing them. Falling away from systems and processes that are known to produce results but at times I either can’t be bothered or I am just too busy to take the time.  As one of my mentors always reminds me, “Life is a Mirror.” The mirror of life often reflects your own behavior and mindset. He has done a great job in training me to look at what the mirror is showing me and asking myself, “What’s up with that?” More times than not, it is staring me back in the face.

12-Week Management Master Class Nugget of the Week…

Start your team meetings by getting everyone to speak. It gets everyone to show up on time, participate, and be engaged. We teach a process called WIFLE that we teach in the Management Master Class. Until you are ready for that, you can start by having each team member state “The Best Thing That Happened to Me Last Week.” It will get everyone locked in and connected. Your meetings will take a big step forward.

12-Week Sales Master Class Nugget of the Week…

When doing a need analysis, it is so important to give positive strokes. When you ask a question and it uncovers something that they are doing well, give them a big positive stroke! When you ask a question about something that they are doing poorly and they sulk a little, give them a positive stroke! It could go something like this…. “Out of 10 customers that inquire, how many actually convert?” The customer sulks a bit and says, “We don’t do a good job of tracking that.” You reply, “That’s great! One of the things that we can do when we work together, we can implement is a simple new prospect tracking system that will prevent leads from falling through the tracks. It will also serve as a coaching tool that you can use to develop your front-line sales team.”

That’s Frickin BRILLIANT!!!

Was listening to a podcast the other day and heard something that stopped me in my tracks. Layne Norton, the founder of a fitness coaching company was a guest on the 2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura discussing health fads and health studies that people are passionate about but aren’t properly researched. He then referenced a quote from Bertrand Russell that blew me away….

“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.”

On social media, where there is a low threshold for being supplied with a big audience, I find that the people who are the loudest are usually the most ignorant. Layne reminded me that when seeking a true expert (and trying to become one), I need to be looking for someone with curiosity and offering nuance. 

That’s Frickin Brilliant! 

Have a great week!!!

- Coach Reggie